Do You Copy? DVD
by Gracies Collective Author
Back before Portlandia, there was an amazing thing called Gracies—a collective without collectivizing, whose main objective was creating fun and absurdity. Besides a series of weekly brunches, Gracies produced three different movies. All of these "Somewhat Rapid Movie Projects" were created from concept to watchable film—in a very short period of time (48 to 72 hours!) Do You Copy was created in the Dirty Winter of 2002 in a spurt of fevered creativity. At Copy Maker, Brian has been trying to get his order filled for weeks but their "special" machine keeps ruining his print job. Jason and Peter, despite gross incompetency, attempt to stall him while completing other print jobs, ignoring the weirdness of their clientele. They escape to fantasy worlds and fight mutant aliens on their hunt for the double sided transmutation crystals. Who is the bigger asshole, the boss or the customer? Witness a great slice of Portland history, and a fun movie to boot. Featuring Joe Biel as a robot and some other zinesters scattered about.
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Comments & Reviews
I had so much fun making the soundtrack to this movie. You can find most of the soundtrack here these days: http://virb.com/reality_technician/audio/albums/8456
p.s. the beautiful cover artwork is by petr sorfa.
wow! i am so happy to see this cinematic masterpiece has finally reached the sacred shelves of microcosm. this will have to tide me over until the trilogy dvd is available. (rotating food, do you copy?, and cold lampin')
a guy can dream, right?