Sticker #096Wal Mart
by Zack Hyde Author
Walmart is one of the worst corporations in the US. They say they'll bring jobs to your community, but then don't pay anybody enough to actually live on, and put all the small businesses in town out of business in the process. And the deal's even worse for the world's sweatshop workers who supply their crap products!
(Sturdy vinyl sticker with black print on a white background. Reads: "Walmart: minimum wage for the whole community" in bold letters)
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Comments & Reviews
$.02 and $0 aren't the only options! I would prefer that everyone get fair wages!
i worked for a walmart distribution warehouse for several moths, and i have NOTHING bad to say about the way they treat their employees. the enviroment is another story though
[le sigh]. would you all prefer that our foreign friends who make us cheep plastic crap make .02 cents or no cent$? sheesh. ;-P
The town next to mine has a walmat zeroing in on it. http://corneliusfirst.org/
Sadly true... WalMart usually sets wage standards in the area where they open. And they close dozens of local stores when they open. All with sweatshop labor. The one here even has a McDonalds in it..gotta love it.
Did you know that there is only one unionized wally world on earth?