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Good Together
Sticker #270: No One Is Free When Others Are Oppressedby Joe Biel
Sticker #105: Bombing for Peace is Like Fucking for Virginityby Joe Biel
Sticker #088: In 1492 Indigenous people discovered Christopher Columbus lost at seaby Joe Biel
Sticker #146: Who Would Jesus Bomb?by Joe Biel
Sticker #003: Jesus Didn't Teach Hating Gay Peopleby Joe Biel
Sticker #165: First Illegal Immigrantsby Andy Singer
Sticker #275: Never Doubt That a Small Group of Thoughtful, Committed People Can Change the World
Sticker #268: Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Actby Steven Stothard
Sticker #280: This Is a Boyby Robert Wildwood
Sticker #014: Revolution Begins with an Individualby Joe Biel
Comments & Reviews
"Racism is a fear of other cultures."
True...how true...I think that there should be one supreme race however....and that should be the HUMAN RACE
Racsists are no more than insecure people who need to think that there are people below them.
Race also does not biologically exist. It's the product of the fear that we've become so comfortable in.
racism is the fear that u have with in you that makes you hate others in order to love yourself
Race is subjective.
Racism is just an excuse for people with higher power to make them selfs feel good by showing them they have power!!
so is xenophobia
Actually, racism is a system designed to create power & privilege for a small group of white people, and to keep everyone else at each others' throats.
No shit?
I feel racism is a lack of knowlede
Actually, Racism is a Knowledge of other cultures.