Las Mujeres Libres Poster
by Cristy C. Road Author and Justseeds Author
A celebration of a Spanish women's militias that organized and fought in the Spanish revolution in 1936, in a time of severely restricted women's freedom.
*Have your poster shipped in a Poster Tube for extra protection! Posters not shipped in tubes will be folded in half for packaging and are more subject to wear while shipping.
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Comments & Reviews
I believe there is actually a photo of Lucía Sánchez Saornil standing infront of a C.N.T. flag with a group of other folks both men and women. Though this does not prove any association with the C.N.T. itself I would like to point out that before stalin came along most movements within the realm of the Spanish revolution were very much in solidarity and it was not really until the red army came along that women were taken out of the militias and made to be nurses and cooks. During the early years women were highly involved in union activities and workers councils. None the less Las Mujeres Libres was an amazing part of an amazing time in history.
Yeah, I've seen this picture before. Cristy didn't make it up.
Honey, I looked at a picture; I didn't make it up. But justseeds don't want me to make a new one.
While I can't read the actual text of the poster because it's too small, I can see enough of it to know that it's historically inaccurate. The unique part of Las Mujeres Libres is that they didn't assimilate with the CNT because the male-controlled organizations refused to reject patriarchy as a form of heirarchy. Is there any way to get a poster without the CNT?