big patch #041: My Bike Takes Me Places That School Never Could
Unlike many schools, a bike gives you total control of where you want to go, how fast or slow, and the paths you want to take in life. Maybe schools should learn a thing or two from bikes. Best of all, you can show off this freedom with our big patch whose color we choose just for you!
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Comments & Reviews
it's a small sign that says "go!"
my friend rama drew this when we were in high school. i had the first one on my backpack! now she's an organic farmer in wisconsin.
It's a popsicle..basically.
it looks kinda like money
what does it matter what's in her hand? it's the thought that counts. am i right?
i am this patch incarnate
i thought she broke her finger and it was a cast on it and she was showing her teacher!
i think she was fliping a teacher off and saying bikes are better!!!
Not all kids have the same looking hands! Some dont have any at all.
I think she's holding a fist
It's a sign that says "GO"
Bikes are freedom from controlling state run schools.
She's doing a one handed track stand. (duh)
I thought she was just pointing to her brain...
I'm thinkin it might be a flower :)
what's in her hand? (we think it's an ice cream cone - joe)