Emotional Insight Deck: Explore Your Authentic Feelings
by Jennifer Kumer Author
Connect your heart and mind
Connect with your emotions and discover your empathic wisdom. This vibrant 54-card deck invites you to intuitively and somatically consider a whole spectrum of emotions. Passionate, sad, irritated, touched, ashamed—your body always knows how you feel, and this deck helps give you the words to express your experiences. You'll also find instructions for games and practices to help boost your emotional literacy; sometimes something as simple as speaking an emotion aloud can help you connect with what surfaces. Start conversations, deepen your embodiment work, or just reflect on your feelings. For use by therapists, teachers, group leaders, and regular people who want to better access their feelings. Made by dynamic game designer Jennifer Kumer, creator of Cards for Couples, to use solo, duo, or in a group, with children or among adults.
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Comments & Reviews
yea..you can walk down the street with a record player. mine is portable and can run off batteries.
You guys NEED this as a poster! I absolutly need a poster of this kick ass Drawing!
Ipods are totally more convenient and it is obvious that you can't walk down the street with a record player. But you know, record players look cool and they're old and old shit is cool like my grandparents. This isn't about a serious message. It's about a sense of humor. Microcosm sells 'em.
except.... your record would not play if you walked down the street with it... and it'd probably get really scratched up.
music is music, whatever medium you use to listen to it on... still cool design though!
This drawing is actually about how record players are a hell of a lot more pimpin' ("real", mind you) than Ipods and if you walked down the street with a record player instead of white headphones you'd be makin' me sprung.
This has to be one of my most favorite drawings of yours...it explains it all...the love of music... just "keepin it real"
I have this... I don't remember how I did though ha... but it's awesome I look at it every once in a while.