$20 Superpack: Ride the Wohl Whip (Cometbus)
by Aaron Cometbus Author and Super Pack! Author
Featuring a pile of issues of the classic Cometbus zine. Includes the long out-of-print, now unearthed contributor issue #49, #56 (an introduction to the wild and weird world of NYC booksellers), and #57 (a trip around the New York comics world), #58 (punks in SF diners pals!), and #59 (unpacking punk scene history)—this superpack will get you pumped about the work of Mr. Aaron Cometbus! For over 40 years, Aaron has been publishing zines that get into your mind and change the way you see the world. When you crack that cover, you never know quite what to expect from him, whether it's a contributor issue, a topic cut down to its basic tenets and revealed for all to see, stories of talking to old friends, a trip to Cleveland, broken bones, or bizarre, self-destructive competitions on cross country tours with one of his many bands or those he accompanies as a roadie. Aaron tells it all, he knows how to write, and you love to read it. Even when it's not what you thought you wanted, it's great. If we're somehow out of one of these we'll substitute another issue.
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