American Advertising Cookbooks: How Corporations Taught Us to Love Bananas, Spam, and Jell-O

by christina ward Author

Venture into the contemporary evolution of recipes and culinary confections with this book that not only offers tasty foods but also a bit of history! From Christina Ward, noted for her aid to farmers and her overall experise of food, she's here to teach you how bananas shaped the Middle East, or how Edward Bernays made the decision to stack food on top of Carmen Miranda's head. America's food history includes crackpots (Johnny Appleseed), do-gooders (Kellogg & others in Battle Creek) and ended up with some good and evil scientists coupled with amazing (m)ad men. With all this and more, American Advertising Cookbooks is a goldmine of interesting information on Corporate America's recent historical effects on foods. Lavish full-color photos and illustrations, well worth the price alone!