Skeleton Keys: The Secret Life of Bone
by Riley Black Author
We're all made up of bones and blood. 206 bones to be precise, and somewhere around a gallon and a half of blood. Our bones are one of the most unique features of our physiognomy. They grow with us, and give our body structure, but we don't always think about how we vertebrates developed this calcified frame for our bodies. In Skeleton Keys, author Riley Black explains the science behind our bones and how we got them, as well as the strange histories of how various cultures have related to bones over the centuries. From burial rites to phrenology, this book brings paleontology, anthropology, medicine, and forensics together into one fascinating volume.
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Comments & Reviews
this is absolutely worth the money!
I'm suprised at the fact that there is no comments on this yet! Anyway, I ordered this DVD set from CrimethInc last week and just recieved it today. In all honesty, this is the BEST film I have ever watched. Not just politcal, not just out of all of the documentaries... It's just, hands down, the best film. Pickaxe is a long journey of countless individuals that settled into a small "camp" [if you will] to save public forests in Oregon that the state was illegally logging. The Miami Model is an apalling look into what REALLY happened during the FTAA protests in 2003. I had seen much at the time, but all from Mainstream "Media". I wish I had access to independant media when I was 12. I'd be out there protesting with them. It documents the horrors that the riot police inflicted on innocent peaceful protesters. Breaking the spell is an insightful look on the WTO protests in 1999. It documents what happened to non violent activists when the state stepped in. It also shows what kind of fools go just to riot without even knowing what's going on. Grrrr. And the short films were just REALLY fun to watch. Especially when they tore up that 1985 Saab and made it into musical instruments in wehat appeared to be an abbandoned wearhouse with no ceiling. Anyway, definatly worth it. Take five hours of your life and devout it to this film. PLEASE! =]