The Practical Witch's Almanac 2019: Expanding Horizons

by Friday Gladheart Author

This almanac has everything you need to reconnect with nature and tune into your witchy energy.

Most 'magical' almanacs contain outdated information and are often filled with inaccuracies, usually due to the inconsistent use of time zones. The Practical Witch's Almanac is more consistent and contains extremely accurate calculations all set to Central Standard Time, even including calculations for Daylight Savings Time.

This almanac allows you to harmonize with the flow of natures energies. You will find easy notations of events, magical days and seasonal occurrences as well as calendars, trivia, incense recipes and more!

An Almanac for Practically Everyone

No matter what your spiritual path may be, this is an almanac for the Practical Witch in You.  The patterns and cycles of nature are laid out before you along with notations of diverse holidays, festivals, and events.

This year's theme is Expanding Horizons.  Holidays from many cultures and spiritual traditions are included as well as birthdays of notable Witches, Pagans, scientists, and individuals who have worked toward equality, civil rights, or expanding our horizons.

You will be delighted to see traditional lunar and seasonal information alongside the increased diversity of this edition.

***New Planner Format- One Week Per Page
Articles, Recipes, Spells, and DIY projects selected to enhance your daily life and enrich your spirit
***Pagan, Wiccan, Buddhist, Secular, Jewish, Christian, Hindu, Muslim, and U.S. Federal Holidays
***Solstices, Equinoxes, Sabbats
***Solar & Lunar Eclipses, Meteor Showers, Visible Planets, "Supermoons"
***Weekly Psychic Insights
***Gardening & Permaculture
***Sunrise, Sunset & Twilight
***Access Free Online Bonuses:
          Wall Calendars, Printable Tarot Decks, Coupons, Recipes, Free Gifts, Time Conversions and more

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