A Little Bit of Fairies: An Introduction to Fairy Magic (A Little Bit of Series)

by Elaine Clayton Author and A Little Bit of Series Author

What are fairies? When I was a kid I read that if you kicked over a toadstool then fairies would come and spirit you away to their realm. Obviously no mushrooms survived my child hood quest to live among the fairies, but where do these stories come from?

Do they exist (ngl I'm team #idobelieveinfairies) and if they do where are they? A Little Bit Of Fairies is your guide to all things fae, from folklore to how we can attract them and more.

But wait, there's more! Be sure to check out the other books in A Little Bit of Series for more information on cool topics like auras, crystals and more.

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  • Cover of A Little Bit of Fairies, which features a drawing of a fairy napping in a flower