50 Water Adventures to Do Before You Die: The World's Ultimate Experiences In, On and Under Water
by Lia Ditton Author
Warning: this book will get you seriously wet. It's fun to dream about aquatic adventures, but where do you even start when there are so many options? You could access your inner Mark Twain and go paddle-boarding the Mississippi, float in the Dead Sea, or if you're feeling especially adventurous, go sailing around the world,. 50 Water Adventures to Do Before You Die highlights different activities around the globe, and it comes with inspirational photography as well as tons of practical tips and advice.
(This book may contain a sharpie mark on the top or bottom edge and may show mild signs of shelfwear.)
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Comments & Reviews
I like beer. I home brew. I have many beer t-shirts. I shop at thrift stores. I shop at malls. I ride a fixed gear. I ride a full suspension mountain bike. I have health insurance. PBR tastes like whizz.
You have an apology or clarification in front of your sticker that could be seen as making fun of rich people, you don't have one in front of this sticker which could be seen as blaming poor people for their lot.
This is a statement about the working class white american. It's not true in all cases (obviously) but in many, it is. It's no secret that people who drink a lot of beer in many cases also happen to be very poor. They buy the beer (and by extension, beer t-shirts) to help them forget about how poor they are and the fact that they probably work a minimum wage job that they hate. And thus, capitalism perpetuates itself yet again.
What's a hipster? Someone who wears beer shirts? That's great. Wow.
Why is everyone so hypersensitive and politically correct? Sure, it's a large generalization, and sure, "hipsters" search thrift stores for beer shirts, but i can't even begin to count how many people I've seen in my hometown (new york city) who fit the statement found on this sticker.
i'm not gonna lie, i love microcosm. but going through these stickers made me mad... a lot of the messages are either hypocritical or... like this bad boy, they are generalizations.
I understand, but it still seems stereotypical to me.
This sticker is talking about the poor white that wear things like nascar jackets (which are full of advertisements) and free hat/t-shirts from beer companies etc. (and typically vote republican) despite being exploited by these companies (and needing the social services that the democratic/ind/green party support).
yeah whattabout trustfunder hipsters who like beer shirts- don't they get a sticker too?
Yeah, i'm not sure about this one.
This is a classist generalization. How many hipsters with trust funds proudly drink pabst blue ribbon, and would wear a shirt proclaiming it? (but do they have health insurance?!?!?)