Background photo of two chimpanzees.

Different: Gender Through the Eyes of a Primatologist

by Frans de Waal Author

This book should appeal to anyone who questions gender norms and roles, and especially those who don't! Despite being conscious that gender is a social construct, sometimes some of us still hold gendered assumptions about sex and roles within that. Author Frans De Waal, professor of primate behavior, presents to us the cases of two of humans closes primate relatives -- chimpanzees and bonobos. Using these as a springboard, he'll help illustrate a picture where authority, power, dominance aren't necessarily tied to gender, where the balance of discussion between nature and nurture can be more nuanced. Within this, De Waal will also include details on how in his own life, gender hasn't followed the strict guidelines in society -- in his experience with family and with other academics debating outdated theories difficult to remove from the public discourse.