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Kitchen Cabinet Science Projects: Fifty Amazing Science Experiments to Make with Everyday Ingredients

by Dr. Michelle Dickinson Author

Grab a plate and dive into 50 exciting science projects using everyday kitchen items. Perfect for kids ages 8 to 12 interested in STEM, this book makes experimenting safe, easy, and sometimes tasty.

This book of experiments is perfect for curious kids with a passion for STEM and STEAM. All projects are excellent for learning basic scientific principles using everyday kitchen items. They range in difficulty level and category, from Construction and Sound to Electricity and Pressure, so kids can do some on their own or work with an adult.

Some projects even double as treats, like Unicorn Noodles, Instant Ice Cream, and Candy Crystals. Written by Michelle Dickinson, a scientist who studies atomic particles, these precise yet easy-to-follow instructions make mind-blowing science experiments accessible to everyone.

(This book may contain a sharpie mark on the top or bottom edge and may show mild signs of shelfwear.)