Marie Laveau Voodoo Grimoire: Rituals, Recipes, and Spells for Healing, Protection, Beauty, Love, and More

by Denise Alvarado Author

This book is for those looking for cultivate a witchy practice in line with the Laveau Voodoo tradition. While not an exact replication of said traditions, this is a working grimoire/spellbook intended for the modern practitioner of that tradition—whether the reader is looking to start practicing voodoo in this way to solve problems of daily living or for the experienced practitioner looking to modernize their approaches for enhancing quality of life. Specifically, this contains spells and recommendation for for creating a magical, spiritual life, drawing from the author's own Creole heritage. This takes stone, root, bone practices and goes beyond.

  • Geometric pattern of a snake surrounded by poppies and other geometric figuration