How Trust Works: The Science of How Relationships Are Built, Broken, and Repaired
by Peter H. Kim Author
This book touches on trust — especially on one important aspect of it: when trust is broken and there is a want for repair. Trust underlies the very foundation of our relationships — familial, friendships, romances, and business, all of life. Oftentimes, when ones’s own trust is broken (or someone’s own trustworthiness is called into question) what is there left to do? The author is a professor of management and organization, Dr. Peter H. Kim, has researched that very question of what to do when trust is broken. Along with the research he explores the foundations of how relationships are build, how they are broken, and more pertinently how they are repaired. He dives into how violations of trust can be repaired and how that looks, but also which breaches of confidence are too far gone for resolution. He analyzes these dynamics on a personal level, but also on group, cultural, societal, and global levels — within individuals and nations.
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