More PVC Projects For The Outdoorsman: Building Inexpensive Shelters, Hunting and Fishing Gear, and More Out of Plastic Pipe
by Tom Forbes Author
Forbes' first book, PVC Projects for the Outdoorsman, became a runaway best-seller with do-it-yourselfers, outdoorsmen and survivalists alike. Now he's taken his no-frills approach to creating inexpensive shelters, primitive weapons, sturdy outdoor furniture and hunting and fishing gear and come up with more than 30 new projects, all made with durable, cheap PVC pipe. Using photos and easy-to-follow instructions, this book guides you through such projects as a slingshot, brush bow, shooting bench, spotting scope stock, bow-fishing reel, wall tent, animal pen, pickup truck shelter, firewood cradle and many more. If you failed wood-shop but still want to enjoy the dual satisfaction of building something yourself and saving loads of money in the process, this is the perfect do-it-yourself book for you.
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