Ocean Greens: Explore the World of Edible Seaweed and Sea Vegetables: A Way of Eating For Your Health and the Planet's
by North Sea Farm Author, Lisette Kreischer Author and Marcel Schuttelaar Author
This guide explores the nutritional and environmental benefits of seaweed and sea vegetables, highlighting them as a sustainable, nutritious alternative to other crops. With rising interest in their health benefits, seaweed is praised as a "miracle food" for its potential to reduce our carbon footprint. Featuring a variety of edible seaweeds like wakame, kombu, and nori, the guide offers 50 vegan recipes that creatively incorporate these superfoods, such as pumpkin and seaweed pancakes or seaweed gnocchi, with tips on harvesting, preparing, and enjoying these versatile ingredients, making it accessible for home cooks looking to embrace this ocean-based nutrition.
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