Poltergeists: and Other Hauntings
by Rupert Matthews Author
Poltergeists are known for one thing: they like to start trouble. If you have something in your house throwing things around, playing tricks on you, turning on your lights and appliances, knocking and shrieking, or leaving the strange scent of random things, you might have a poltergeist. But it can be more terrifying that that. They can pinch or slap or do worse, and being so attacked is one of the worst things a human being can survive. Poltergeists: and Other Hauntings recounts poltergeist stories from ancient times all the way through to now, describing visitations, commonalties between cases, and even tries to explain how and why poltergeists might exist in the first place.
(This book may contain a sharpie mark on the top or bottom edge and may show mild signs of shelfwear.)
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