A Guide to Video Game Movies
by Christopher Carton Author
Video games are fun but it would surprise you to find out which games have been adapted into movies. Some of the biggest video games like Legend of Zelda have never been a movie, while more obscure titles like Rampage or Monster Hunter have films of their own. Adapting an immersive world into 90 minutes of story isn't easy but you can learn about the entire process in A Guide to Video Game Movies. Horror games, fighting games, platform games, and exploration games are all covered here, with two hundred photos, posters, and screenshots.
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Comments & Reviews
this is a great cookbook! it's a real challenge trying to find recipes that are both vegan and gluten free for hearty foods, but Let Gluten Freedom Ring! comes to the rescue.

the occupie recipe is amazing. here's a photo of what i made, for inspiration:
"Let Gluten Freedom Ring! is a cookzine in the style of old-school zines. It’s a simple photocopied half-size booklet printed black and white. There are no pictures, but there is a good variety of recipes for the beginning GF chef.
Let Gluten Freedom Ring! features recipes from notable northwest vegans, including Kittee Berns (coordinator of Portland’s 2012 World Wide Vegan Bake Sale) and Joshua Ploeg aka The Touring Vegan Chef. Hailing from Olympia, Ploeg travels the nation cooking up vegan feasts. Of all of the contributors, he’s the most qualified to provide recipes. Zine editor Adam Gnade is neither gluten free nor a chef, but he loves his GF friends as much as I love mine. And he secured recipes from Green is the New Red author and activist Will Potter.
The zine has ample space in the middle for writing your own recipes and notes, but the space interrupts one of Ploeg’s recipes. Most dishes in the zine fall between ultra-DIY mania and semi-homemade laziness. They expect you to prepare fresh ingredients yourself, but they don’t venture into homemade GF pasta territory.
This is a tight collection of recipes that skew toward Southern fare: you’ll find recipes for cornbread, greens, mac and cheese, and jalapeno poppers alongside faux pho, carrot cake, and autumnal soups."
12 'Must-have' Vegan Zines! #6 Let Gluten Freedom Ring Another GF thriller complied by some very cool people like Will Potter! My favorite recipe would have to be the Breaded "Cream Cheese" Jalapeno Poppers.
I got your REAL Vegan Bone right here, Let Gluten Freedom Ring by Adam Gnade & friends, a recipe packed zine punctuated with hilarious drawings of a tofu loving bald eagle (no relation to the one I saw picking at a plastic tub of potato salad on the beach one time, a sad metaphor for GW Bush's USA).