Crystal Skulls: Ancient Tools for Peace, Knowledge, and Enlightenment
by Judy Hall Author
Hand carved crystal skulls are typically made from clear or milky white quartz, often referred to as "rock crystal." They are purportedly pre-Columbian Mesoamerican artifacts and are displayed in prestigious museums like the Smithsonian and the British Museum. In metaphysical circles, these skulls are believed to possess magical and healing properties. For instance, Anna Mitchell-Hedges, known for her famous skull, claimed it could induce visions, cure diseases, and even cause harm. Drunvalo Melchizedek and Jamie Sams discuss their use in ancient Mayan ceremonies and Native American mythology, respectively. This book by best-selling occultist Judy Hall offers an overview of crystal skulls, including their history, lore, and applications in physical and psychic healing, along with insights into notable "skull keepers" and guidance on using and communicating with these enigmatic artifacts.
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