Dream Whip: Issues 1-10
by Bill Brown Author
Spanning 1994 to 1999, this thick, pocket-sized anthology collects issues 1 through 10 of the long-running Dream Whip zine. Inside, Bill Brown hits the road and finds adventure far and wide. Each page is lovingly handwritten or typed and illustrations and photographs abound. It's tornadoes and pet cemeteries, Alaskan highways and the lonely ruins of government missile sites. Bill Brown's America is seen with the big, dreaming heart of a romantic, everything recorded in sweet, smart, funny, beautifully-simple prose.
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Comments & Reviews
Funny, insightful, often scary relatable. One of my absolute favorites to whip out and drive back into, like catching up with an old friend who's making a stop over for a few hours, it's always great reminiscing.
Before GPS, MapQuest, and whatever technological doo-hickeys that made paper maps nearly obsolete a guy gets in his car and drives all over a good chunk of North America and documents it in zines. These initial issues of Dreamwhip zine (which, I'm guessing has gone on for a good 15 years or more, and has racked up over 20 issues at this point) paint a stunning picture of lonesome coffee shops in the middle of Nebraska, yearning for some sense of meaning in a cornfield in Iowa, taking a walk down a sleepy street in Nova Scotia, and finding one's way around the streets of Vancouver. The authors home base of Lubbock, Texas is more of an afterthought than anything else, seeing as he rarely spends any time there before hitting the road again. Reading this is like listening to a Boys Life record put to paper. The simplicity of it all says volumes, and that's always a good sign