Living the 1.5 Degree Lifestyle: Why Individual Climate Action Matters More than Ever
by Lloyd Alter Author
Reveals the carbon cost of everything we do and shows how to slash your own carbon footprint by 80% to 2.5 tonnes per year by choosing a life of quality over quantity, and sufficiency over efficiency as we race to save our only home from catastrophic heating. The international scientific consensus is that we have less than a decade to drastically slash our collective carbon emissions to keep global heating to 1.5 degrees and avert catastrophe. This means that many of us have to cut our individual carbon footprints by over 80% to 2.5 tonnes per person per year by 2030. Covers the roles of individuals versus governments and corporations, finding the big wins, ignoring the trivial, spotting marketing ploys, and identifying where we can make big reductions, while not sweating the small stuff.
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