Freedom! The Story of the Black Panther Party
by Jetta Grace Martin Author, Joshua Bloom Author and Waldo E. Martin Jr Author
In this elegantly written history of the Black Panthers for younger readers, authors Jetta Grace Martin, Joshua Bloom, and Waldo E. Martin Jr. bring together meticulous research and an impeccable sense of storytelling to convey the magnitude of what the Black Panthers attempted to accomplish. From Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, to Eldridge and Kathleen Cleaver, to Ericka Huggins, Elaine Brown, and Fred Hampton, Freedom! The Story of the Black Panther Party is exhaustive and thorough even as it is accessible. Young readers can learn about Black nationalism, the Free Breakfast Program, the Ten Point Program, and the vicious and illegal ways that the federal government went to work to attack, disrupt, and murder one of the most radical political movements of the 20th century. A must read, and a great gift for the budding young radical in your life.
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