The Little Black Book of Big Red Flags: Relationship Warning Signs You Totally Spotted...But Chose to Ignore
by Natasha Burton Author, Julie Fishman Author and Meagan Mccrary Author
If a guy is flirting with other women while on a date with you or only calling you at midnight on Friday when he's already drunk, you probably aren't dealing with boyfriend material. The Little Black Book of Big Red Flags lays out all the ways to spot and act on those red flags before heartache and anguish ensue, explaining relationship warning signs so that readers gain an understanding oof where they stand in a relationship to gauging maturity and basic kindness. Adapted from the blog (BigRedFlags.com) founded by the book's authors, The Little Black Book of Big Red Flags was inspired by the authors' own experiences and includes many personal stories from real women throughout.
(This book may contain a small, black sharpie mark on the bottom edge, so that it can't be returned to a different wholesaler.)
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