Dinner Table Distractions
by Young Authors Program Editor and Addison Gordon Author
Addie Soundland is eleven years old and lives with her mom, dad, and sister. At dinner, Addie enjoys cooking pizza with her mom. The dinner table is where Addie gets to spend time with her family; it’s so important! She loves spending time with her family, but now that her parents have new jobs and her sister goes to school, they are all busy. She comes up with a super secret plan to get her family to spend more time together. Will her plan work, or will they never make their famous family pizza again?
This picture book was actually written by an ten-year-old girl named Addison Gordon. And it was published by Young Authors Publishing—a nonprofit children's book publisher focused on producing diverse and culturally relevant children's books and to use book publishing as a vehicle to economic mobility for our young authors. Royalties from their book sales are deposited into a savings account for each young author to access at 18 to use toward their post-secondary plans.
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