Leaning With Intent to Fall
by Ethan Clark Author
Ethan's new book is a really engrossing read. He lives the life of any traveling punk kid you've ever met, hitchhiking, bike delivery, all that good stuff. What makes this stand out is the way he tells his tales. It's got that friend telling you a story quality that i really enjoy in a memoir. It's not over-romanticized, it doesn't have 15 different versions of the same story about scamming a bus, and most of all it's told with humor. Also, it's pretty gutsy to write a memoir when you're 24. Ethan's a talented writer, who's previous work includes the zine Chihuahua and Pitbull, the book Stories Care Forgot, and his co-collaboration on the soon to be released Chainbreaker book!
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Comments & Reviews
A short read, but definetely worth buying. It's hard to describe the way he writes; he doesn't beef things up to make them exciting, but the situations themselves are what make you want to keep on reading. Get this!
Clark reminds me there's a brave new generation out there -- young people who are wise enough to turn their backs on prejudice, materialism and other deadly aspects of our culture; who still think it's important to see the world before settling into the life they've been told will make them happy.