Barn Club: A Tale of Forgotten Elm Trees, Traditional Craft, and Community Spirit
by Robert Somerville Author
When author Robert Somerville moved to Hertfordshire in the U.K., he was immediately charmed by the woodlands of this part of southern England. Nestled in the hills and forests just north of London and west of the Channel, elm trees grow tall and wildlife flourish despite their proximity to the noise and sprawl of the island's largest city. Somerville, a retired woodworker, was so inspired by his surroundings that he decided to take his craft back up, and before long, he had set about the task of building barns by hand. Calling on interested novice woodworkers from all corners of the county, Somerville established the Barn Club. In this charming little book, the author recounts the story of this club and the ways it brought the community together, reconnected them to the earth and to the forests, and forged bonds through craftsmanship. A terrific read for woodworkers and nature enthusiasts alike.
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Comments & Reviews
I liked it alot! Very short, and creepy, but somehow the author adds a little but of humor. Still, I had a hard time sleeping that night, and I'm not scared easily.