52 Sunsets: A Year of Calm Coloring

52 Sunsets: A Year of Calm Coloring

Comments & Reviews


"I cringe when a zine attempts to speak for the working people...
Jesse, in his inaugural issue of Work Stories, avoids the pitfalls of
using his experiences of working in a crappy construction job to act
as a voice for working people. His stories, often funny and
insightful, are written about his experiences and his relationship to
work and his co-workers, rather than the experiences and motivations of
his co-workers. The difference is subtle but crucial, he doesn't
pretend to tell anyone's story but his own, and at that he succeeds.
He does a great job of using his experience to illustrate larger
issues about class and labor in a personal and approachable manner. I
can't get behind the Billy Joel lyrics reprinted within, but the
anecdotes that range from hanging sheet rock, management nit-picking,
and scrap iron, to dirty jokes and workplace safety are interesting
and intelligent. Its refreshing to see someone write about work and
class without throwing in tired IWW cliches, dangerous assumptions,
and marxist idealism. Great work with a tricky subject."
~ Casey Ress, MAXIMUMROCKNROLL (February 2007, #285).