money trails

Follow Your Money: Who Gets It, Who Spends It, Where Does It Go?

by Kevin Sylvester Author

What happens to your money after you hand it to the cashier? You pay for that cool pair of shoes or a new CD. But what happens to that money once it leaves your hands? Who actually pockets it or puts it into the bank? Why are designer jeans so much more expensive than no-name ones? Why does a burger cost $4.50 when the ingredients only cost $1.38? How do credit cards work? Discover the trail your money takes as it goes to pay for everything including the raw materials used to make a product, the workers who produce it, and the advertisers who promote it.

Humorous illustrations demystify the process by providing a visual breakdown of all the elements involved in monetary transactions. 

(This book may contain a small, black sharpie mark on the bottom edge, so that it can't be returned to a different wholesaler.)