Please Let Me Help: "Helpful" Letters To the World's Most Wonderful Brands

by Zack Sternwalker Author

Rebuilding a life by sending absurd letters

Zack is unemployed, overweight, recently divorced, and lives with his mother. Whilst a lesser man would wither away in emo-laden angst, Zack has found inspiration during this difficult stretch of life. A renaissance man, Zack conjures up brilliant ideas (soap on a rope, a Sammy Davis, Jr. biopic starring Tom Cruise, vases of flowers in Port-a-Potties nationwide), offers services (babysitter for Sophia Coppola, compiler and burner for a Beatles Best-of), and attempts to woo unsuspecting ladies with his lifelike sketches of firearms. Please Let Me Help is a collection of letters Zack has written to companies, actors, directors, his local police department, Hulk Hogan, Canada, and scores of other easy targets. Some write back; most don't. Please Let Me Help shows how we can turn our weakest moments into creative opportunities and never give up hope!

  • Please Let Me Help: "Helpful" Letters To the World's Most Wonderful Brands image #1
  • Please Let Me Help: "Helpful" Letters To the World's Most Wonderful Brands image #2
  • Please Let Me Help: "Helpful" Letters To the World's Most Wonderful Brands image #3

Comments & Reviews


The result [of Zack's work] is an enjoyable foray into the down-on-his-luck screenwriter’s idle mind. He never seems to give up hope that his advice will be gladly picked up, and he stays immune to humility as he writes Jerry Bruckheimer, Tom Cruise, and others,...


I agree with everybody else. This is truly a funny read. I can't believe what Taco Bell did as a response to Zack's letter...hahah...!


I can't even explain how funny this book is! I never wanted it to end! The best $2 I may have EVER spent. Please, PLEASE, believe the hype.


"Ha! This book is hilarious. I just got off a red eye flight from San Francisco and was keeping my super cool looking seat neighbor awake with my giggling as I read it."


From a recommendation on, I bought this because I had been wanting to pee in my pants. Well, it happened. This is one of the most prolific works of art created in the last decade. The Tom Cruise letter is absolute genius... a panda's foot... goddammit, that shit makes me laugh every time I read it. And I read it often.


This is great for the artwork alone. How could you not love the vampire pear?
It'll definitely cheer you up on a bad day.


Hilarious. Read it first thing in the morning and you will walk around with a goofy smile on your face for the rest of the day


I had to throw out all my other books when i discovered Zack Sternwalker! I bought ten copies of this book and it wasn't enough. This is possibly the greatst thing ever created and I only say possibly because I haven't read all of Zack's other stuff.


Holy snot. This is seriously one of the funniest things I've ever read. The letter to port-a-potty alone is worth a measly two bucks. I'm not sure if the guy who writes this is serious or not, but I'm either very sad for him, or completely in awe of his comedic brilliancce.