I. Lucifer: Exploring the Archetype and Origins of the Devil

by Corvis Nocturnum Author

Delve into the many aspects of the evolving archetype of Lucifer, from his multifaceted creation to his almost endearing charm on today’s world stage. Explore myths and legends of not only Satan, but what Lucifer represents in our culture and the effects it has had over the centuries—from dogmatic repression of pagan beliefs to the fervor during the heights of the “Satanic Panic” of the 1980s and 1990s. Examine the defense of old Nick by the Romantic writers and Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan, as well as literature and film’s role in redefining his ever-changing guise. Learn the aspects of his origins and see what has been borrowed from other faiths to shape our mental picture of the being known as The Devil. Suspend preconceived notions and look at the evolution of this mythic persona from his origin up to modern times. Find out if the Devil made you do it...