Dark Star Rising: Magick and Power in the Age of Trump

by Gary Lachman Author

Gary Lachman, the bass player on Blondie’s first record, co-wrote “X-Offender” with Debbie Harry. Which is pretty cool, but only one of the highlights of Lachman’s bio, which includes becoming an author specializing in occult topics beginning in the 1990s. DARK STAR RISING sheds light on Trump’s supporters, which form a bizarre cross-section of Ayn Rand worshippers, Nordic racists, positive-thinking obsessives, and cynical operatives. Did you know Trump strategist and future felon Steve Bannon was a VP at Goldman Sachs during the 2008 crash? Or that he still gets residuals from Seinfeld? (Yes, really.) The plots are thick and Lachman ably navigates them, revealing the morons and sadists behind the curtain.