Rookie Yearbook One

by Tavi Gevinson Author

From 2011 to 2018, Rookie was an incredible website full of empowering, authentic, helpful, and real-yet-soothing articles and art, created mostly by and for teens with occasional guest appearances by non-condescending celebrity adults. Teen founder and editor Tavi Gevinson had a big vision, and this first printed book—a compilation of the best articles, essays, and interviews from the blog's first year—reads like Sassy Magazine had a baby with the Whole Earth Catalog that was raised by your high school yearbook editors with some help from latter-day Teen Vogue. Includes such excellent content as interviews with John Waters and Josh Whedon, a guide to masturbating, instructions for cleaning your room in 10 minutes, a memoir of a year with an eating disorder, advice for getting out of a bad relationship, an ode to the extreme coolness of deep sea creatures, several grown women (including Liz Phair, Sarah Silverman, and Miranda July) describing the first time they had sex, an essay called "Everybody Farts," tips for getting dressed for a party, a bunch of weird fashion spreads, and Tavi's guide to not caring what other people think about you. Every page is collaged, scribbled, or textured in a way that uplifts the text or gives you a visual break from the hard topics when you need it. I wish I'd had Rookie when I was a teenager but I'm glad to have it now.

(This book may contain a small, black sharpie mark on the bottom edge, so that it can't be returned to a different wholesaler.)