The Honest Enneagram: Know Your Type, Own Your Challenges, Embrace Your Growth
by Sarajane Case Author
The enneagram is a tool for self-knowledge, and Sarajane Case, who runs the popular Enneagram and Coffee Instagram account, uses it very well indeed. As she got into exploring her own and others' characters through this method, she noticed that most enneagram resources give super negative, shaming reads of some of the personalities. She set out to do it better; her style of honesty is refreshing, about truly seeing and owning your own strengths and challenges rather than negging on yourself and others. For each sign, she offers an alarmingly accurate description including our basic desires and fears; a breakdown of wings, subtypes, and levels of health; and lessons on getting honest with yourself, honoring your strengths and easing your relationships and path through life. If you're interested in the enneagram or just love taking personality tests, this is a sweet place to start.
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