Ejaculate Responsibly: A Whole New Way to Think About Abortion
by Gabrielle Stanley Blair Author
In this timely and compelling book, author Gabrielle Stanley Blair undertakes the task of reframing the debate around abortion away from women's choices and towards men's responsibilities. Over the course of 28 brief arguments, Blair draws on the science of fertility in order to demonstrate the absurd inequities in reproductive health care. Although women are only fertile a relatively small percentage of the time - compared to men who are fertile 100% of the time - virtually all birth control medication is designed to be taken by women. Stigmas around condoms (i.e. that they make sex less pleasurable) contribute to the unfair burden placed on women to ensure that they protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies. In Ejaculate Responsibly, Blair puts the task of preventing unwanted pregnancies where it belongs: on the person doing the ejaculating.
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