Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software
by Steven Johnson Author
The theory of emergence is a complicated one, but author Steven Johnson describes it in accessible terms in this riveting read. When various parts come together to perform a single function, their power as a whole can often surpass the power of the sum of their parts. Just as servers located all around the globe come together to make the internet work, or ants move synchronously for the good of the colony, an emergent property arises when various pieces come together to form something new and bigger than the pieces on their own. In the age of the internet and in our hyperconnected world, emergence is cropping up more and more frequently. Johnson explores the implications of this trend for the future of science and technology, and tracks our understanding of emergence through history. A highly compelling read.
(This book may contain a sharpie mark on the top or bottom edge and may show mild signs of shelfwear.)
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Comments & Reviews
steev tells me: "yay, the portland indymedia folks put the bike love DVD on indytorrents:"
and, just so we could loose some more duckets on this thing, we have started to include a little booklet about the videos, the groups they depict, and the bike loving video-tistas holding the camera. layout by shawn granton.
Plus there are 3 more Post Gracies Productions videos to come out in 2005-2006 including "Do You Copy", "Cold Lampin'" and "PDX BIKE LOVE II"
I dont know if this is fiscally responsible of me but i hear you can see a low res version of the videos here: