Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts.
by Brené Brown Author
How do we cultivate good leaders? How do we encourage bravery and courage in the people we manage—as well as in ourselves? Brené Brown takes her signature research about shame and vulnerability into the business world, where she finds many people who need a whole lot of help with the necessary stuff you need to have a healthy and effective workplace: difficult conversations, good boundaries, trusting relationships, and open honesty. Management jargon has crept in bigtime, so you'll need to do some mental translations as you read if conversational use of phrases like "rumbling with vulnerability" and "painting done" make you gag, but the book is good enough that it's worth the eye rolls. Brown asks you to get real with yourself so you can get rid of your maladaptive defensive habits and step up to be the leader your team needs, and her tools for doing it are gold.
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