An epic, motivating, and powerful tale of growing up Black in Portland's then-suburb of Albina in the 1960s. Told from original interviews and extensive sources—including police surveillance documents—Biel offers a clear picture of the social-service innovations created by neighborhood activists trying to better their community and how the police attempted to destroy them at every turn. Portland's Black Panther chapter innovated healthy free breakfasts for impoverished children, the longest running Panther free health clinic, the Black Panther's first dental clinic, and relentless efforts towards the direction that their own neighborhoods took. But the Panther organization itself was spied upon, infiltrated, and slowly ripped apart by the state apparatus. Despite a racist city hall and police force, Black Panthers in Portland persisted, outlasting most branches in the United States and making permanent marks that last today. Virtually nonexistent in retellings of the Black Panthers, this is their story.
SUBJECT: Political / History / Pacific Northwest / Activism / Race / Microcosm Published
PUBLICATION: Feb 7, 2023
PRICE: $14.95
ISBN: 9781648411816
FORMAT: 160 pages, 5x7", paperback
Joe Biel is a self-made autistic publisher, author, and filmmaker who draws origins, inspiration, and methods from punk rock. He is the founder and CEO of Microcosm Publishing and co-founder of the Portland Zine Symposium, and has been featured in Time Magazine, Publisher’s Weekly, Art of Autism, Utne Reader, Oregonian, Broken Pencil, Punk Planet, Bulletproof Radio, Spectator (Japan), G33K (Korea), and Maximum Rocknroll. He lives in Portland, OR. Find out more at
A small, innovative publishing house, Microcosm Publishing specializes in work designed to make the reader feel good about being alive, take an active role in bettering their life, and impact the world around them. Microcosm has developed a reputation for teaching self-empowerment, showing hidden histories, and fostering creativity through challenging conventional publishing wisdom with books and zines about DIY skills, food, politics, and art. Our books are printed in the USA.